Friday, October 29, 2010


Halloween is very fun holiday. Its very fun because well you get to dress up as something you like for example it could be like something scary, funny, or it could also be someone from movies and stuff. There is many types of different costumes. You can also carve pumkins which is very fun. But I think the best part of Halloween is when you get to go trick-or-treating. You get a lot of candys and chocolates and other good stuff. Well I think Halloween is a great Holiday and a really fun one too!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Boring Vacations

This vacations I really didn't do much.  I tried coming to intersession but i didn't need any classes.  So I pretty much ended up not doing anything at all during these vacations.  What I wanted to do was get a job but I for some reason i couldn't.  So i didnt do anything interesting these past vacations